Monday, January 7, 2013

Riding in the Rain

If you're a motorcycle rider, you know that there is going to come a point in time where you are going to get stuck in the rain.
There's no need to panic, or be scared. Riding in the rain is not as scary as it sounds.
First of all I hope you brought some rain gear. Being warm and dry helps your mind to think better, and stay alert. I always try to bring rain gear along, even if it doesn't look like rain.

When you're riding in the rain, the more upright you keep your bike the safer you'll be. Don't try and touch a knee to the pavement when it's pouring rain out. This is not the time to push your limits.
When you're coming up to a stop sign or stop lights give yourself 2x the amount of time you would need if it was dry out. If you're riding with a passenger, then give yourself even more time to stop. The extra weight takes longer for your bike to stop then if you were riding by yourself.
I recommend when it's raining out that you ride the speed limit, or below a bit if you don't feel comfortable. I say a bit below, because if you're scared still going that speed then I recommend you should pull to the side of the road and wait till the rain stops. Don't try and ride down the road at 30km's below the speed limit. It's not safe at all. Cars aren't expecting it, and you could get rear ended. So please pull off the road if you don't feel comfortable.
When you're stopping use both your front and back breaks. Never use one over the other, especially in the rain. Your tire could lock up, or slip out from under you. Use your front and back breaks at a 60:40 ratio. (60 being front break, and 40 being the back break)
When you're entering a corner try and slow your speed to keep your bike upright as much as possible.
The reason I say this is because when you're leaning into a corner and your tire slips you don't have much chance to recover. Gravity takes over and you go down. When your bike is upright and your tire slips you have a very good chance of gaining control and not going down.
No one can plan what's going to happen ever. So always be prepared for the unexpected.
When you're in a corner, and all of a sudden you have to stop here's what you do depending on how fast you're going, and how much time you have to stop.
First of all if you are following the above tip to keeping your bike upright in a corner then you won't have much to fear. Simply apply your breaks 60:40 and come to a controlled stop, keeping your bike upright and wheels straight as possible.
If you weren't following the above tip and you're leaning into the corner here's what to do. You'll need a lot more road space for this depending on how fast you were going and how much you were leaning.
Bring your bike upright and put your wheels straight in line with each other. Then apply both breaks 60:40.
Yes, you may even need to go onto the other side of the yellow line in order to stop safely. Which makes you in danger of oncoming traffic. So, really it's not safe at all.
See the difference there? Exactly. That is the difference between life and death. Don't let that happen. Be the one in control.

I hope you'll enjoy riding in the rain, and ride safe!

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